Most Powerful Ozone Generator Under $ 750!!!!
BiO3-Blaster™ -
If you Really Want To Destroy Mold
Smoke Bacteria and Odors You
Must Use AN Extremely High Output Ozone Cannon
That Generates at Least 20,000mg/hour !!!!
Machines Like This Are Hard To find and Usually Cost
Over $1000
$737 (Ozone Rugged) and $873 (Ozone Engine)
Dear Friend,
I’ve got to tell you, this subject makes me REALLY angry!
And here’s why.
I’ve been in business since 1995 doing foundations and mold remediation, and when talking
with my client’s, the topic of Ozone Generators comes up quite frequently. Yet I’m always
amazed at how grossly misinformed people are.
But it’s not your fault.
You’re constantly being bombarded by misleading advertising, confusing claims, and
simply bad information.
Using a good Bio3-Blaster™ High Output
Ozone shock treatment WILL get rid of
mold spores, Destroy Staph MRSA, Bacteria and Viruses .
But if you look on the internet and on E-bay there are a ton of Ozone manufacturers out there
telling myths half truths or flat out lies!!!!!
Here are some perfect real-life examples…
Claim 1: “Regardless of claims, all corona discharge ambient air ozone generators are rated in
a dry environment below 10% humidity. This is because some users, such as those in Arizona
and other dry or desert areas will experience the maximum output from their corona discharge
ozone generators in these areas because of the ultra-low humidity conditions, which is
sometimes in the single digits.
A couple competitors advertise their corona discharge units are either rated in 90% high
humidity, or are unaffected by humidity – however, the laws of physics cannot be ignored –
the corona process is significantly affected by humidity”
This is a half Truth while Ozone levels can be slightly affected by ozone in C
heaply made Corona discharge units (not ours), the fact is UV alone generators can never
produce Ozone at high enough levels to be used for serious disinfection!!!!!
This is just a cheap shot aimed at the competition!
Some sellers are now saying UV ozone machines
are better
than our corona discharge ozone generators.
They claim that UV ozone does not degrade in a High Humidity environment so that they are
equivalent to to a machine with twice it’s ozone output rating.
That’s literally nothing but double talk!
That’s like someone trying to convince you a $100 dollar bill is worth $200!
Their 550 mg/hr ozone machine is JUST that, a 550 mg/hr ozone machine!
Our Bio3-Blaster™ 20,000 mg/hr ozone generator is just that,
a 20,000 mg/hr ozone generator even in a high humidity environment.
Our Ozone outputs ARE rated in HIGH HUMIDITY environments.
Our BiO3-Blaster™ units at 20,000mg/ hour are perfect for high level Ozone shock therapy
and cost less than half of competitor products with similar output!!
Claim Two: “Our units have 5 to 10 times the ozone output of most other
large ozone generators.
Well this one is obviously false as our BiO3-Blaster™ generators are offered on Ebay for half
the price and have tremendously high output!!!!
Claim Three:“MICA is the cheapest and worst material to use in an ozone plate.
MICA easily breaks, flakes apart, burns, and shorts out the generator.
Stay far away from any ozone generator using a MICA ozone plate.
Old style ozone “plates” consist of flimsy, easily corroded, steel screens and delicate, thin
pieces of glass or mica, less than a millimeter thick.”
Another half truth- Mica comes in many, many grades and depending on, the thickness and
the purity of the mica, it can be an excellent dielectric material. The second piece of
misdirection is that ozone plates are from flimsy easily corroded steel screens. Fact is, almost
every ozone machine produced with plates use stainless steel which won’t corrode and the
stainless also comes in heavy gauges which aren’t flimsy… this is just another cheap shot
degrading the competition!!!!!
PURCHASE THIS COMMERCIAL BiO3-Blaster™ 20,000 Mg/hour
This Unit is Made in America in Cleveland Ohio!!!
Our Unit Is Not An Inferior UV or Ceramic Plate Model!!!!
Read On
Start Your Own Profitable Business Part-Time or Full Time
And Make Lots of $$$$$$$$!!!!
Professional Clean-Up Companies Charge Hundreds Per Day Using Similar More Expensive
Systems for Odor Removal!
This Unit Can Literally Pay for Itself in One Day!!!!
The BiO3-Blaster™ is not like the cute little residential units you see on the internet. The
BiO3-Blaster™ is definitely not designed to go in a kids bedroom or a living room. Our
BiO3-Blaster™ units are designed and built to produce shock levels of ozone that will
completely remove nasty odors. Our customers use the BiO3-Blaster™ to eliminate odors
from tobacco smoke, dogs and cats, house fires and mold and fungus spores in the air. Our
ozone is so strong it goes right into carpeting, furniture, wall paper and paint to scour away the
odors. In hotels and motels with the door shut it will completely deodorizes a room in a matter
of 15 to 30 minutes
If you’re ready to buy now call 800-240-8514 To order now!
If not then Read On in the NEXT POSTS..or WATCH VIDEOS
NOW CLICK video 1
and video3
Best regards,
Charles Boday™ all rights reserved ucc 1-207
Unconditional 1 year Service Warranty: We are so certain that our machines are the best, that for one year from the date of shipment we will completely repair or replace the machine regardless of abuse from the buyer(Drop it in acid run it over with a truck!). The cost for the repair and or replacement to the consumer is nothing. Additionally if the buyer elects he may participate in our Lifetime Guarantee program which will extend these benefits forever. There is a $100 per annum renewal fee that is applicable. No other terms or conditions apply except that the shipping is the cost of the buyer.
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